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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  January 11, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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>> complete bay area news starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> good evening. it is tuesday, january 11. i am gasia mikaelian, and this is bay area news at 7:00. he spends nearly two decades behind bars and now he's about to walk free because a judge recently determined investigators put him away relying on false testimony. jana katsuyama is live at the county jail where there are concerns that other cases may be tainted. >> reporter: it is due to this decision that caramad conley is
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in the jail. it is 18 years overdue according to his attorney. this morning inside the california courts, a judge ordered that conley been freed. it took four years that san francisco police officers allowed a key witness to lie understand. >> what is clear is that these police were willing to violate the constitution. >> reporter: he was a fourth suspect in a shooting in 1989. a key witness, a convicted drug dealer, testified that he heard conley confess. according to recent court documents polk was not an eyewitness or at the scene and there was no evidence tying conley to the scene. >> 58 was really upfront about that -- the da was really
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upfront about that. >> reporter: the police chief talked about needing money to provide witness protection for polk. >> we has police officers do the best we can do. to make matters worse sanders set by in court while the witness lied about it on the stand. >> reporter: it is possible that sanders and his partner may be responsible for other wrongful convictions. >> i think it is very likely that these sorts of shenanigans are going on in other cases people are probably other people who were innocent backup sentenced to prison. >> reporter: conley is now 40 years old and can file a civil lawsuit within a year. his attorney says that will hardly make up for 18 years of
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freedom lost. jana katsuyama, ktvu channel 2 news. courts will decide if a psychiatrist is competent to stand trial. a judge has ordered another medical report on the mental state of dr. william ayres and weather he has alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia. he is accused of molesting six boys. in july 20009 a trial on those charges ended in a hung jury. michael jackson's position now faces trial charges of involuntary manslaughter in said doctor conrad murray acted outside of the standard of care giving jackson a drug in failing to monitor jackson. match the latest in a mass
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shooting in tucson. dr. said congresswoman gabrielle giffords was able to breathe on her own and about an hour ago services were underway for the committee to honor the shooting victims could we are learning more about one victim in the shooting. she moved from arizona to marin county. >> reporter: she is recovering from surgery, her second round after being struck in her stomach, chest, and hip. she was holding the hand of christina green waiting to meet representative gabrielle gifford. >> she had her breathing tube removed late saturday. the first thing she asked, she said, what about christina? >> reporter: he says he had to tell his wife the truth that christina was dead and the outing had become a national
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tragedy. >> what a wonderful thing to do quite honestly. we want our children to meet elected officials and be involved. >> reporter: cris carter, a longtime friend, says that the tragedy is felt deeply. she served on the school board between 1997 and 1999 and was and should mental in getting raises for teachers and rebuilding schools. >> the only reason she was on the school board was to help inspire children. >> reporter: heilman continued to stay politically involved, even maintaining a blog about issues ranging from school to gun control. they sent an e-mail out last night letting them know that heilman was no longer in critical condition and to keep her, her family, and friends in their thoughts. a candlelight vigil in downtown oakland is planned for
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tomorrow night. it is being organized by the group east bay democrats that will welcome everyone to the vigil is expected to start at 5:00 p.m. in the wake of the shooting rampage, barbara boxer today called for tougher federal colossal. >> the kind of gun laws that we have here in california that gives people gun ownership rights while also preventing the sale of guns to criminals and people with serious mental illness. >> boxer said it is time to reinstate a federal ban on assault weapons and clips and calls for concealed weapon permits and that the fbi should do more to keep guns out of hands of people known to have mental illness. >> to find out more, click the tab on our homepage at jerry brown met with
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democratic senators today. he will take a two thirds vote of the a legislator to put a measure on the june ballot to keep temporary passes in place for another five years. it could includes in vehicle license fees and personal income taxes. he ordered the state to cut the number of employees cell phones in half by june, a measure that could save $200 million a year. traffic is recovering from a shutdown of the the dumbarton bridge today. it was closed for almost two hours this afternoon so negotiators could talk to a man seen on the edge of the bridge. even after the bridge was reopened, traffic backed up. some wet weather moved in to the bay area today. it was enough for some people in san francisco to bring out there umbrellas. people lined out out -- lined up outside of the shelter
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today. for families with children many shelters are not an option because of insurance costs. ehc life builders say they will house homeless families in emergency situations and work to find them permanent places to stay. the death of dozens of birds in the north bay follows the mass deaths of birds in arkansas, louisiana, and kentucky. in the southeastern u.s. authorities have blamed everything from fireworks to cold weather however fish and game officials tell us the deaths of starlings along the side of one-to-one are not that mysterious. >> we have a couple witnesses and the investigation says they flew in front of a pickup truck. >> the most common bird deaths are collisions with vehicles.
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veterinarians conducted a series of tests on a sea lion left blind in one eye. he was found last month on a marin county beach and cannot be released back into the ocean because of his injuries. veterinarians say what they learned from silent knight may help them as they treat other injured animals. firefighters say a pregnant woman save herself from a fire. it happened earlier today paid she leapt into the arms of a breeding partner. we have the story now from belmont. >> in my years for being here i have only seen this happen a few times. that type of intensity and fire, you are risking your life. you want to get out of the building. they cannot get out through the normal means. >> authorities yellow tagged the building saying that smoke and heat made in inhabitable and the woman who jumped was
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taken to the hospital for observation. police are searching for a pair of bank robbers who are also suspect that two of the robberies. police would be -- revealed surveillance photos of two men who robbed wells fargo bank yesterday morning. the man on the left jumped the counter and took cash from tellers and the man on the right was armed with a rifle. investigators say they believe the pair robbed a starbucks yesterday and a kentucky fried chicken on sunday. members of the group of anti-gang injunctions staged a meeting at city hall. they say gang injunctions on expensive way to deal with crimes although it's not clear how much money goes towards law enforcement. john russo has asked for and received an injunction for gang members in north oakland and is seeking a similar injunction in the fruitvale neighborhood. mayor of the sea and county of san francisco. >> san francisco makes history with the swearing in of the new
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mayor. verizon finally announces it does have the iphone, but you are going to have to wait a little bit longer to get it. i am consumer editor tom vacar. that story still ahead. a few showers across the bay area today paid we have a little bit of activity on live stormtracker 2. there is another system offshore and i'll have the timing of that weather system coming up in your full forecast.
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>> activist john orange protests ongoing situations in the guantanamo bay prison and
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similar protests were held outside the white house. researchers say the swine flu pandemic may help lead to a super vaccine. doctors at the university of chicago say several patients infected with the h1n1 virus developed antibodies that could find with any flu strain from the past decade as well as other flu strains. the discovery could result in a single vaccine that would protect against a wide variety of flu strains. the city of san francisco is under new leadership tonight. ed lee was sworn in today and faces many new challenges. >> mayor for the city and county of san francisco. >> reporter: city hall was filled to the rafters this afternoon as ed lee took the oath of office paid he is the first asian-american to become
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mayor of san francisco. >> i make that pledge that i will do my very best to represent all of the communities. >> reporter: the new board of supervisors first had to approve his nomination. it did, unanimously. >> we look forward to doing many wonderful things to gather. >> reporter: lee must tackle a budget deficit and a new police chief. one manager says she would like to see mayor lee address the cost of parking meters. >> make it more affordable because now our customers are parking further away. >> reporter: the owner of this business is the new mayor should focus on programs for young people. >> a skating rink or more places where they can be trained and get jobs. >> reporter: the supervisors say they look forward to working closely with ed lee,
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something they rarely if ever said about gavin newsom. rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. and jean quan was on hand for the swearing in of her friend as ed lee. >> it is such a point of pride for people i think in the asian- american community in california to have both my victory in oakland and ed's appointment in san francisco. >> mayor quan said she canceled three meetings to attend the ceremony and expects the two cities will work together on regional issues. regulators today announced the charles schwab corporation has agreed to pay $120 million for federal charges. the securities and exchange commission says they marketed the fund as a conservative investment even though half of its assets were in high risk securities. strong earnings along with an analyst upgrade for hewlett- packard helped push stocks higher today on wall street.
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the dow gained 33-point. myspace announced today it is laying off 500 people. analysts say the website saw a huge drop of traffic lashed year. myspace redesigned its site in october and focused on music and videos. they continued to lose money and visitors. internet security specialists are warning facebook users that malicious software could be spreading from their friends to smart phones. attacks are on the rise and in a few cases they now where can allow hackers to steal a person's identity and set up a false bank accounts. verizon is being welcomed into a select circle. until now at&t had a exclusive deal with the iphone. consumer editor tom vacar
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examines the potential impact. >> reporter: verizon sells many different smart phones and this is special. >> the iphone for its iconic device. it is just one more twist that our customers are going to have. >> not only will they switch to the iphone, and as we learned on market street today from existing iphone customers, at&t has its work cut out for it. >> is a hard choice because verizon is a little bit more expensive but it has better service. >> i am going to cancel my contract and switch to verizon. >> i would go to verizon if i was not in a contract, but i am in a contract. >> reporter: technology analysts say it is not just a matter of signing up with verizon. >> they will need a new phone. the technologies underlying the radio in the fold are different. >> reporter: can verizon handle
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the influx of customers? >> there is a lot of worry that verizon will not be able to handle the traffic but they claim they are ready. >> reporter: at&t insists it's system is superior. >> for iphone customers who want the ability to talk and use at the same time and unsurpassed global coverage, the only choice is at&t. >> reporter: verizon's iphone will be available february 3rd to select customers and to the public february 10. many parents will tell you they hit the jackpot with their little ones but one redwood city family beat the odds with the naturally conceived quadruplets. they were born in october, 14 weeks early. doctors say that all of the girls are healthy and happy and getting ready to go home. last night's ncaa football
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championship game appeared to make history. auburn's victory attracted a record size cable viewing audience. the monterey bay is preparing to welcome a new addition. coming up, more details on why you cannot see it in person just yet. wet weather made it to the bay area again today and mark tamayo is tracking more of it and when it may arrive.
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>> a major winter storm in the southeastern u.s. is causing major travel delays. motorists from tennessee to georgia to north carolina had to deal with snarled traffic. air traffic was also hit hard. delta airlines canceled more than 1700 flights today and chicago o'hare's airport is saying that traffic is now back to normal. here in the bay area we are seeing the showers that mark tamayo talked about yesterday. >> not a big deal but it did impact our conditions for today with some wet roadways.
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you can see the rain showers moving across the region and right now i'm not being too extreme. a few hundreds of an inch. a area forecast for tonight, we have to hold out for some clouds. for the weekend, a dry weather pattern. there is another weather system that could impact our forecasts for the weekend producing a few rain showers out there. santa rosa is right around 40 degrees. we are not talking about an extreme chill. the coolest locations are towards fairfield in antioch in the upper 30s. you can see the approach of today's weather system with the clouds moving across the area, now heading out to the east. out here in the pacific there
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is another cold front that will be a factor in our forecast as we head into thursday. for tomorrow, some lingering clouds. the high-pressure returns tomorrow and there is that approaching cold front as we head into thursday. definitely a crowd producer and a chance for some showers -- a cloud producer and a chance for some showers. snow showers right around lake tahoe. we will put this into motion. we could have a few leftover sprinkles tomorrow morning and in the afternoon hours, skies becoming partly cloudy. the forecast for tomorrow beginning at 7:00, 40 to 45 degrees with the possibility of a few sprinkles. by lunchtime, still some scattered clouds and by 3:00 or 4:00 temperatures will be in the 50s. these readings are up a few
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degrees but we are not talking about balmy conditions. you can see san francisco will be right around 54. here's a look ahead at your five-day forecast. some may call center stage reflects our chances for thursday. for friday, you can see a streak of dry weather. -- some clouds reflect our chances for showers on thursday. temperatures mainly in the mid- to upper 50s. the monterey bay aquarium is announcing a new arrival. an african black footed penguin chick was born. the vet gave the baby its first exam and said that chick is doing well and gaining weight. they cannot yet determine if it is a boy or girl and will not go on display until it is ready to swim.
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that is our coverage for tonight. i am gasia mikaelian. our coverage continues with her 10:00 news. "tmz" is up next right here on tv 36.
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